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RRB NTPC Exam Dates 2019 - RRB NTPC Exam Postponed!

RRB NTPC Exam Dates 2019 - RRB NTPC Exam Postponed!

According to the latest news released in Indian Express, RRB NTPC exam will be conducted in October. As per the Official Notification the tentative dates of RRB NTPC CBT 1 was scheduled between June to September. According to the Sources from RRB, the railway recruitment Board is still scrutinizing the applications, causing a delay in announcing the RRB NTPC Exam Dates. Once it gets completed, the Board will announce the RRB NTPC Exam Dates.

Factor Affecting Release of RRB NTPC Exam Date
The exam was scheduled in September, but as the scrutiny of applications is still going on the RRB NTPC Exam is delayed till October.
Most of the centers are reserved for the RRB Paramedical Exam
As the number of aspirants applied are huge Railway Recruitment Board will release the RRB NTPC Exam date only after taking stock of the exams planned in coming months.
Center/City allocation for RRB NTPC CBTs will depend upon technical and logistical feasibility, it is not eay to get that number of centers as other exams are also going by.
As CBTs for Group D or Level 1 exams for more than 1 Lakh vacancies are tentatively scheduled in September-October months this year. it is also a challenge to conduct RRB NTPC exams during that period.
RRB NTPC Exam Dates 2019
According to the notification released by Railways, given below in the table are the RRB NTPC exam dates.

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RRB NTPC Recruitment – Exam Dates 2019 for NTPC Posts
Events Date & Time
Opening of Online Registration of Applications 01.03.2019 at 16.00 hrs.
Closing of online registration of Applications 31.03.2019 at 23.59 hrs.
Closing Date & Time for Payment of Application Fee
through Online (Net Banking/ Credit Card/ Debit Card/UPI) 05.04.2019 at 23.59 hrs.
Closing Date & Time for Payment of Application Fee
through SBI Challan 05.04.2019 at 15.00 hrs
Closing Date & Time for Payment of Application Fee
through Post Office Challan 05.04.2019 at 15.00 hrs.
Final submission of Applications 12.04.2019 at 23.59 hrs.
1st Stage Computer Based Test (CBT) Tentatively scheduled
in 1st week of August 2019
RRB NTPC Exam Dates – Selection Process 2019
The selection process for RRB NTPC Recruitment 2019 for the posts of NTPC includes 1st Stage Computer Based Test (CBT), 2nd Stage Computer Based Test (CBT), Typing Skill Test/Computer Based Aptitude Test (as applicable) and Document Verification/Medical Examination.


RRB NTPC Exam Date – Pattern 2019
1st Stage Computer Based Test (CBT)
The examination duration will be 120 Minutes for eligible PwBD candidates accompanied with Scribe.
The section wise distribution given in the above table is only indicative and there may be some variations in the actual question papers.
There will be negative marking and 1/3 mark shall be deducted for each wrong answer.
Subject Questions Time
General Awareness 40 90 Minutes
Mathematics 30
General Intelligence and Reasoning 30
Total Marks 100
2nd Stage Computer Based Test (CBT)
The examination duration will be 120 Minutes for eligible PwBD candidates accompanied with Scribe.
The section wise distribution given in the above table is only indicative and there may be some variations in the actual question papers.
There will be negative marking and 1/3 mark shall be deducted for each wrong answer.
Subject Questions Time
General Awareness 50 90 Minutes
Mathematics 35
General Intelligence and Reasoning 35
Total Marks 120
Q.1 Is there any negative marking for any incorrect answer?
There will be negative marking for incorrect answer in CBTs. 1/3rd of the marks allotted for each question will be deducted for each wrong answer.

Q.2 When is RRB NTPC exam?
Your Exam date will be mentioned in your Admit Card once it is released along with your Exam centre which you can download after logging in through the link.

Q.3 Will the Computer Based Test happen in my own city?
Center/City allocation for CBTs will depend upon technical and logistical feasibility. Candidates may have to travel to other Cities/States for attending CBTs.

Q.4 What are the banned items that can’t be taken inside the exam hall?
Electronic gadgets including mobile phones, blue tooth device, pen drive, laptops, calculators, wrist watches or any other communication devices or pen/pencil, wallet/purses, belts, shoes and metallic wears including ornaments etc. are strictly not allowed inside the exam hall.

Q.5 How many candidates will be shortlisted for Computer based Aptitude Test OR Typing Skill Test?
Candidates shortlisted for Typing Skill Test OR Computer based Aptitude Test(as applicable) will be 8 times the number of mentioned vacancies for the same.

Q.6 I want to change my exam centre? How can I do so?
You can not change the exam centre under any circumstance.

To know more about RRB NTPC Recruitment Notification 2019, you can also check out other related articles to ace your preparation for Railways NTPC Recruitment Exam 2019.


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